About us!
The Yama Ki Bonsai Society is one of the oldest non-profits dedicated to spreading knowledge of, and love for, the art of Bonsai in the New York City area.
Meeting Bartlett Arboretum, Stamford, CT, Yama Ki offers events of all types people interested in Bonsai.
We are dedicated to the art and science of bonsai and horticulture. Monthly events are hosted with fellow club members, bonsai professionals, and bonsai artists. The club offers the unique opportunity to work along side professionals and amateurs - all are welcome. Whether you have no trees or hundreds of trees, we welcome all who are willing to learn and share the passion of bonsai with us!
Follow Us
Instagram: @yamakibonsai
Facebook: Yama Ki Bonsai Society

Society Leaders
Our society is led by a group of bonsai enthusiasts with a wide range of age and experience. We are always happy to answer any questions so feel free to contact us via the website!
President: Pete Halm
Vice President: Jason Diaz
Treasurer: Jose Jimenez
Media/Communications: Alex Weiner
Director: Ralph Padilla